Saying Goodbye
Making the decision
It is probably the most difficult thing we have to do for our pets; making the decision to say goodbye when the time is right. They are part of our family, our loyal companions, who love us unconditionally, and the feeling of loss when they pass is immeasurable. But sometimes the kindest and most loving thing you can do for them is to let them go.
Whether your pet is elderly or unwell, it can be difficult to know if they are in discomfort or not, and when is the right time. Your vet will be able to help you better understand their condition, what treatment can be given and be able to talk you through the options available to you.
The appointment
Once you have made the decision to put your pet to sleep, you may wish to wait a few days before the appointment to give yourself time to reflect on your decision, and discuss it with family. This will allow you and your loved ones’ time to say final goodbyes. Once you feel ready, an appointment will be made for you at the end of a clinic once the busy consultation period is over, to enable you to take as much time as you need with your pet once they have passed away.
On the day
Not everyone feels they can be there at the very end, but as difficult as it is, many people do choose to be present in the final moments to help their pet pass. Some find that it can also help them to begin to process their grief. Either way, you and your pet will be treated with the upmost dignity and respect.
If you have elected to be with them, the vet will explain what they are about to do and what to expect. Once the vet has administered the injection, your pet will pass away. This may happen quickly, or might take longer if your pet’s circulation isn’t very good.
You can then take as much time as you need, alone with your pet.
When someone is saying goodbye to their pet at one of our branches, Reception will light the candle
to let others know that their respect is appreciated at that time.
If you wish for your pet to be put to sleep at home, this can also be arranged for you.
The cost
The cost of putting your pet to sleep will depend on their size and weight. Some people wish to settle everything at the time, or paying it at a later date can also be accommodated.
You can either take your pet’s body home with you, or we can arrange for Resting Pets to collect your pet so they can be cremated. Resting Pets can provide Individual or Communal cremations for your beloved pet, and they will contact you directly to make arrangements suitable for you. If you wish to visit Resting Pets, their Chapel of Rest and Garden of Remembrance provide tranquil surroundings to gather your thoughts and memories. If you chose an individual cremation, the ashes can be delivered directly to you, or sent back to House & Jackson for you to collect when you are ready. You will need to pay Resting Pets directly for the cremation, the cost of which, along with more information about the services they offer can be found at www.restingpets.co.uk
Children and the loss of a pet
If you have young children and feel you need some guidance about how to talk to them about the loss of your pet, our friends
at Vetsure have come up with some useful advice on their website (click here). There is also a Pet Bereavement pack for your child.
We also have a small number of books called 'Missing my pet' by Alex Lambert. When Alex was 6 years old,
his pet dog, Star, died. Alex wrote about his feelings in this little book. If you have a young child, it may be
helpful for your child to read it with a parent or carer. There is an additional 'Grown up stuff' pull-out
section which gives some background about the book and how it may help. ​
If you think you and your child would benefit from reading a copy of this book, please speak with Reception
to see if are any copies currently available for you to have.
Pet Bereavement Support Service - The Blue Cross
If you are struggling with the loss of a pet, the Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service (PBSS) offer free and confidential support. Their fully-trained team are there for you on the phone or by email.
Telephone: 0800 096 6606 (8.30am – 8.30pm every day)
Email: pbssmail@bluecross.org.uk (response time within 48 hours)
If you have any questions or worries about your pet being put to sleep, please speak to us. We are here for you and your pet.