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Equine Services

Lameness Investigations

At The Horse Clinic we have all the facilities required to both investigate and treat any lameness problems your horse may have. Although it is possible to radiograph (X-ray) and ultrasound (scan) your horse at your yard, we prefer horses to come to the practice for lameness investigations where possible. Here we have a level concrete trot-up area and a manege, along with a team of qualified equine veterinary nurses to: assist the vet in performing lameness examinations, nerve and joint blocks; take radiographs so owners do not have to be exposed to X-rays. The X-ray machine at the Clinic is a very powerful generator able to take images of backs, chests and necks as well as heads and legs. In addition, we have a Vivid 7 ultrasound machine, used at many referral centres due to the high quality of images obtained, which would not be able to travel to your yard.


Once a diagnosis has been reached it is important that the correct treatment is instigated. At the Clinic we have access to not only routine joint medications, but also the more specialised “biologic therapies” (I-RAP, PRP, Stem Cells) that are recognised to be very successful in the treatment of complex cases. In addition, we have full surgical facilities for arthroscopy (key-hole joint surgery), should this be deemed the best approach to treat the lameness.

Diagnostic Imaging

Video Endoscopy

The Horse Clinic has a full suite of video endoscopes ranging from 1m to 3m in length. This allows the investigation of a wide range of diseases, as well as non-invasive treatment of some of these. Traditionally, endoscopes were used to look into the respiratory tract of horses, and to diagnose lung problems. They can also be used for the treatment of upper airway diseases and in standing sinus surgery.


We now boast a three metre long video endoscope, which allows us to look into the stomach and check for the presence of stomach ulcers. Other uses of these endoscopes are investigation of bladder and uterine problems. This equipment can be very useful for the insemination of mares as deep insemination of mares can only be carried out with this state of the art equipment. It increases the fertility rates of sub-fertile mares tremendously.


We have generators that can take radiographs of limbs, heads, necks, spines and chest in all horses. In addition, digital processing allows us to see the images instantly and achieve a diagnosis.

Ultrasound Scanning

The Horse Clinic has a high-tech ultrasound scanner which provides us with an invaluable tool to make accurate diagnoses. This includes tendon and joint problems, abdominal diseases and cardiac conditions. We can even obtain images showing the flow of blood around the heart and other vessels.


In addition to our in-clinic scanner, we also have a set of ultrasound scanners predominantly used for ambulatory fertility work but which can be brought to your yard to carry out ultrasound scans outside of the clinic. Diagnosis and interpretation of equine heart and abdominal problems frequently need our our state of the art scanner at the clinic for a precise diagnosis.


The clinic has a padded knockdown and recovery box, with CCTV allowing close monitoring of patients, and assisted recovery when necessary.


There is a seperate operating theatre housing all the specialist equipment required to closely monitor your horse during it's anaesthetic, and we have a padded, hydraulic operating table which is beneficial in avoiding peri-operative complications.


The practice carries out procedures from the routine to the very specialised. These include emergency surgeries such as colic surgery, flushing septic joints, fracture repairs and arthroscopy (key-hole surgery), to the more day-to-day castrations, hernia repairs and dental surgery.


Reproductive services and AI

  • BEVA approved Artificial Insemination centre

  • Mare management for Artificial Insemination with fresh, chilled or frozen semen

  • Advanced reproductive techniques for management of sub-fertile mares

  • Inclusive stud packages offer excellant value for money and comfortable boarding facilities including grass turnout

  • Stallion breeding soundness examination and management

  • Foal intensive care unit

  • Reproductive services lead by Jessica Spanton, an advanced practitioner in Equine Stud Medicine, and Michiel Daem who has a wealth of experience


It is said, "no foot, no horse". It must be that "no mouth, no horse" is also true. Maintenance of a healthy set of teeth is essential for horses both in order to porcess their food but also for them to react well to the bit. 


Equine dentistry has advanced greatly in recent years. We strongly believe that a veterinary surgeon is the person best qualified to examine and assess horses' teeth and provide the best advice to maintain their health and working life.



All horses benefit from having their teeth examined and rasped regularly. Horses between the ages of 2 years 6 months and 7 years old often need dentistry twice a year. Older horses will also often need more regular dental examinations.


The vet will assess your horse’s teeth and recommend either a six monthly or yearly routine examination. If your horse is intolerant with the examination the vet can give some sedation to make the experience more comfortable and enable the examination to be accurate and thorough. Dental problems such as wolf teeth, milk teeth or loose (cheek teeth) can often be dealt with at your yard.


More challenging dental problems can come to the Clinic where we have state of the art motorised equipment at our disposal. All our vets are trained in advanced dentistry but we also have the benefit of consultancy services provided by world-renowned equine dental specialist Professor Gordon Baker.

Extra-Corpereal Shockwave Therapy (ECSWT)

How does it work?

Pressure waves are created by controlled bursts of compressed air in a liquid medium contained within the probe. Shock waves are reflected by air, therefore the area to be treated must be clipped, as fur will naturally trap small pockets of air against the skin which would prevent the penetration of shock waves. The coupling gel applied to the skin surface allows the generated wave to continue into the soft tissues. Shock waves propagate through soft tissues of a similar make up without significant energy loss, for example fat, muscle and water are all of a similar construction. When shock waves hit bone, some of the energy will be reflected, with only 10-20% of the energy penetrating beyond the first 1-2cm.


What does it do?

Shock wave therapy is used in tendon and ligament injuries to produce a dose dependant inflammatory response, along with increased numbers of new capillaries forming, leading to an increased blood supply to the affect area. In addition, there will be and increase in newly formed collagen fibrils, necessary for healing. When used on bone, shock wave therapy can promote endosteal and periosteal new bone formation.


Where would you use it?

Shock wave therapy is commonly used in the treatment of proximal suspensory ligaments desmitis, sacro-iliac pain and occult back pain. 

Pre-Purchase Examinations

If you are considering buying a horse, it is vital to carry out a thorough clinical examination.  This examination will give you the baseline of the horse’s health at the time of the examination.  Furthermore, if medical conditions are discovered that could compromise the horse’s future use, their relevance will be discussed with you.  This will help you to decide whether or not the horse is suitable for your intended purpose.  At House & Jackson, we tailor this service to your particular needs and circumstances.  Whether you are buying a competition horse or a children’s pony, it is still important to check the horse’s health.  Minor lameness problems can be as frustrating and costly in the future for a very expensive racehorse as for a quiet hack. 

We recommend that, at the time of vetting, a blood sample is taken and stored at an independent laboratory in Newmarket, which can later be tested for the presence of any drugs that may have altered the horse’s soundness or temperament if a problem were to arise once the horse is home.


Further investigative tests may be recommended depending on any findings during the examination, these can include x-rays, endoscopy or scans. Many high value horses are required to have a standard set of x-rays taken for insurance purposes. Speak to the vet about any concerns, and they will be able to advise you appropriately.


At the end of the assesment, the vet will be able to advise you if there are any problems that may affect the horse doing the job that you are purchasing it for, and will be able to discuss any points of concern that you have.

Laboratory Services

Veterinary science is becoming increasingly sophisticated and, as with human medicine, we are now using an increasing range of laboratory tests to aid diagnosis and treatment.


At House and Jackson, we have our own fully equipped laboratory facilities and a qualified, full-time technician. This enables us to undertake a complete range of tests on our own premises. This means we can obtain results quicker and facilitates more precise diagnosis and treatment at an early stage as an aid to rapid recovery.

We offer a range of tests and services including General Blood Surveys, Faecal Worm Egg Counts, IRAP and PRP treatments. To find out more about IRAP and PRP, see below.

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