August 2023
Dog vaccinations

Opening Hours for Small Animals this Easter:

Thursday 13 April, 2023
Are you concerned about Laminitis?

Wednesday 5 April, 2023
Get your pre-season competition check-up booked in now!

Friday 20 January, 2023

Friday 20 January, 2023
Gastroscopy Days - March 2023
Our Equine team here at the House & Jackson horse clinic, will be running two Gastroscopy Days in the coming weeks. The first will take place on Wednesday 1st March and the second on Wednesday 15th March. Both days will be lead by our medicine specialist, Jess Spanton, at our Blackmore Surgery, Rookery Road.
The special price of a Gastroscopy on either of these days is £200, which includes sedation. Various time slots are available on both days for your convenience. Your horse/pony will need to be starved for 16 hours prior to the procedure, so for an additional £10 you can drop them off with us the night before.
Spaces are very limited! Please call our Equine Reception team on 01277 823808 to book or for more information.
Please note: if you are not dropping your horse off the night before, please ensure they are starved for 16 hours prior. Access to water is fine. Please make sure your horse is not sleeping on a bed they might eat the night before!
Thursday 19 January, 2023

Monday 6 February - 7.30pm
Equine Gastric Ulcers - everything you need to know!
Please join us on Monday 6th February at 7.30pm on our Horse Clinic Facebook page, where our medicine specialist, Jess Spanton will be talking about all things gastric ulcers! This is ahead of two Gastroscopy Days that Jess will be heading up at our Blackmore Surgery in March. Watch this space for more news!
To go to our Equine Facebook page, click here
See you there!
Christmas & New Year opening hours
Monday 19 December, 2022

Tuesday 14 March, 2023
Cats required by law to be microchipped
Cats in England will be required by law to have a microchip by the age of 20 weeks from June 2024.
The government put the move on the cards some time ago but have now announced that all pet cats must be microchipped by 10th June 2024. Owners who have not had their cats chipped will be given 21 days to have one implanted or risk a £500 fine. Microchips for dogs have been a legal requirement since 2016.
But it's not just about the law, it makes sense to get your cat microchipped. Losing your pet is devasting. We regularly have cats brought in to us at the practice. We do our very best to locate owners but simple truth is that if your cat isn’t chipped and they are lost or stolen, there is a strong chance you will never bring them home. “Without a microchip, a lost cat will most likely end up being rehomed to a new home as there is often no trace of their original owner”, says Jacqui Cuff of Cats Protection.
It's such a simple procedure, it is painless for your cat and only costs around £30. Compared to the heartache of losing your beloved cat, it is a small price to pay.

Tuesday 24 January, 2023

Drawing Competition announced!
Friday 2 December, 2022

Changes to our Small Animal
out-of-hours service from Monday
Thursday 3 November, 2022

With effect from Monday 7 November 2022, our out-of-hours service for our small animals will be covered by Vets Now. We are currently in the process of informing all of our clients.
Vets Now is the pet equivalent of an accident and emergency service and the leading provider of pet emergency care in the UK. From Monday, they will be taking over emergency care for us when we are generally closed, through the night, at weekends and on bank holidays.
Vets Now is the pet equivalent of an accident and emergency service and the leading provider of pet emergency care in the UK. From Monday, they will be taking over emergency care for us when we are generally closed, through the night, at weekends and on bank holidays.
At House and Jackson we have always been proud to have our own staff provide out of hours care to your pets. Unfortunately, there is currently a national shortage of Vets and this has meant that we are currently unable to recruit enough staff to suitably cover our out of hours – our existing staff have come under ever increasing pressure to work longer hours in order to cover this. We feel that it is important to provide excellent round the clock care for you and your pet but also to look after our staff in order that they are functioning at their best to provide your pets with gold standard care. We are proud to be working with Vets Now and believe this new partnership offers you and your pet the best level of care both day and night. If you have any questions about this new service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
For all of the detail, click here

Fireworks Night!
Wednesday 2 November, 2022
Fireworks and our pets
It's that time of the year again which many pet owners dread - Fireworks season is almost upon us.
But planning ahead can help dogs cope. Before the fireworks season starts, provide your dog with a doggy safe haven. This should be a quiet area, so choose one of the quietest rooms in your home - a place where they feel in control. Don't interfere with your dog when they're in that area.
Train your dog to associate the area with positive experiences, e.g. by leaving their favourite toys there, but not imposing yourself at any time. Use a variety of chew toys, such as stuffed Kongs and chews. Swap them regularly, putting them away when not in use so that your dog doesn't become bored with them.
With time, dogs can learn that this place is safe and enjoyable. When fireworks go off, they may choose to go there because they know that they are safe in that place. It's important that your dog has access to this doggy safe haven at all times - even when you're not at home.
When the fireworks start
Walk your dog during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off.
Move your dog to the safe haven each evening before the fireworks begin. Provide toys and other things that they enjoy in the safe haven.
Make sure there are things for you to do too, so your dog isn't left alone.
Close windows and curtains to muffle the sound of fireworks. Blackout your doggy safe haven, so they can't see any flashes outside.
Put on some music or TV to mask the firework sounds.
Ignore the firework noises yourself. Play with a toy to see if your dog wants to join in, but don't force them to play.
You could also talk to your vet about pheromone diffusers, such as Adaptil. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog. There are also supplements available, such are Nutracalm from Nutrivet. In some cases, your vet may even prescribe medication.

Missing Tommy found safe and well!
Tuesday 25 October, 2022
All at House & Jackson would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who helped find Tommy, the missing lurcher cross, last week.
We were blessed to have help from some incredible people who so kindly gave us their time and expertise for nothing.
Special thanks go to Vern Kelk and all of the team at Drone SAR For Lost Dogs and to Kim and Wendy at Help Me Home (Brentwood & Billericay)
as well as all of our neighbours, clients and staff who spent may hours looking for Tommy.
Thank You all, we could not have done it without you.
Tommy was found late Saturday evening and is now safely back at home with his owner after his adventures last week.